The Digestate Biofertiliser Accreditation Scheme

Programme to avoid digestate disposal to landfill

- Securing beneficial use of digestate via biofertiliser certification

Bioenergy Association is leading a cross organisation programme to avoid digestate  disposal to landfill by certification of biofertiliser. The project aims to adopt internationally recognised standards, protocols and procedures to establish a methodology for classification and certification of all digestate from anaerobic digestion of residual organic wastes so that it is being valued as quality fertiliser for beneficial land use. The certified biofertiliser would comply to the New Zealand Biosolids Guidelines and be beneficial to regenerative agriculture, carbon sequestering, and off-setting of existing greenhouse gas emissions generated from current use of in organic fertiliser.

The certification will provide incentives and enable enforcement that no digestate from anaerobic digestion of organic wastes be disposed of at landfills. A digestate certification scheme will remove one of the main barriers to the broader uptake of anaerobic digestion and enable New Zealand to progress towards a circular economy. Preparation of the scheme is funded by the Waste Minimisation Fund.

Project supporting documents

Reports to Steering Group

Other international schemes